Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Mare's Nest Latest Rant Against Me

I knew it couldn't go long without me getting brought up in that nasty yellow journalism rag again.  This time they say I was booted from Simstopia.  Anyone can ask Chatter that this was not the case.  I resigned from Simstopia on my own.  I also deleted all my posts myself.  I did not agree with the direction that Simstopia was taking and decided to start a project of my own.

So Mare's again you just make stuff up because you really don't know the details.  I don't understand the point behind that unless you just like to sensationalize everything.  I left to start my own Sims 3 Website which will be premiering tomorrow.  Check it out if you like.

You don't have any knowledge about things going on behind the scenes at Simstopia nor about me.

I think your rants over homosexual's is getting a little tiring.  No one cares anymore.  I never trolled the Sims 3 forums and the Sims that I create are no worse than any other Sims that people create.  Would you be saying similar things to me if I were creating sexy female Sims.

I don't hear you saying these nasty things to anyone creating hot, sexy, female Sims.

Also your tirade against little BubbleMaddie, she is 16 for God's sake, is ridiculous.  Leave the kids alone, you are worse than seseret because at least he shuts up once in a while and you just keep attacking the kids.

Grow up a little bit and move on with your sad selves.  You are just boring everyone now.